
Showing posts from January, 2022

Poems to Express

        Life during the pandemic has been a hard time, considering that most of the activities that I do involve going outdoors most of the time like hanging out with my friends or going out with my family. But during the pandemic we have no choice but to stay at home, so as a way to cope with this I started doing much of my hobbies such as watching shows or playing games, from time to time I also talk to my friends as a way to catch up with them but talking with them through online doesn't feel like as much as talking to them personally.     As time goes on during quarantine I felt like doing the same hobbies that I do is starting to get unsatisfying, so I looked for new thing to do such as doing exercises but due to time constraints because of school I wasn't able to commit to it as my new hobby. Then as it turns out, during one of our projects to which requires us to do a poem, I actually enjoyed making it, it also gives me way to express my thoughts and emotions through wri