Poems to Express

      Life during the pandemic has been a hard time, considering that most of the activities that I do involve going outdoors most of the time like hanging out with my friends or going out with my family. But during the pandemic we have no choice but to stay at home, so as a way to cope with this I started doing much of my hobbies such as watching shows or playing games, from time to time I also talk to my friends as a way to catch up with them but talking with them through online doesn't feel like as much as talking to them personally.

    As time goes on during quarantine I felt like doing the same hobbies that I do is starting to get unsatisfying, so I looked for new thing to do such as doing exercises but due to time constraints because of school I wasn't able to commit to it as my new hobby. Then as it turns out, during one of our projects to which requires us to do a poem, I actually enjoyed making it, it also gives me way to express my thoughts and emotions through writing as I don't usually express myself in front of my family.
    Poem making seems like the something that I have been looking for the longest time in order to satisfy myself and as well as express my overflowing emotions regarding everything at this point. I have been enjoying every time I create my poems because when I do create my poems there's an agenda why I created them in the first time. So in this blog I will explain some of the meaning behind each blogs and the categories I split the into.

The categories I split my my poems into are:
1. Poems about appreciation or what I think about other people.
2. Poems about my inner thoughts and feelings.
3. Poems about concepts or things I find fascinating.

I will also show some of my works per each category and what they mean and why they are on that category.

1. Poems about appreciation or what I think about other people.

    The first poem is what I titled "Trinity", this poem is to show appreciation to three of my bestfriends that I have met back in junior high school. In that poem, I made a stanza dedicated to each of them. They have been by my side throughout some of my lows and until know we are still friends and because of that I will cherish them forever.

    The second poem has a lot of connections to the number 12 thus the title. Twelve months, twelve new friends and the last twelfth hour of the year. This poem is about my new years eve actually, how the twelve months have already passed and in that twelve months is where I experienced the lowest I have ever been for the longest time, it was a pretty bad year for me and I thought 2021 would end in a bitter taste. But I have made new friends before the year ended, I was able to get new friends whom will also support me and help me in my lows and accompany me in my highs. Lastly, this poem also shows how I will observe and hope how will the next year be better than the last.

2. Poems about my inner thoughts and feelings.

    First poem in this category is titled "Dreamlike". This poem is about how much a want for freedom and to feel the winds flow past me like a soothing breeze, on how much I long to go outside again. I have been inside my home for the longest time that I now want to feel the sun and breeze touch my skin again. But, at the start of the year 2022, it seems like that experiencing the sun and winds has to wait more as the cases of infection has been rising once again, well I can only continue to dream, fantasize, and imagine about being free once in a while.

    Second poem is titled "Monotone Roads". This poem is made during one of my worst days in which I was very depressed, anxious, and I believe also was suffering from a burnout. This poem is a product in which I tried turning my thoughts in into poems for the first time, it was simply a way so I can release some of my emotions and feelings. I was really feeling blank and incomplete as I was making this poem, but it did serve it's purpose of making me feel better after writing it.

3. Poems about concepts or things I find fascinating.

    In the last category I also have two entries I wanted to show. The first one is titled "Vengeful Garden". I partially based this poem on the concept of "Don't judge a book by it cover" and "Not everything nice and kind is all throughout". This is about a garden in which looks very beautiful in then outside and was taken care of a very kind gardener, but despite their looks and personality, all things share their own sinister secrets.

    The last poem is titled "Mourn", this is based on the supernatural being called a Banshee. I am always fascinated by the mysterious and the supernatural even though almost all of them are just fabrications and untrue. One of my favorites is a Banshee, in which it is a supernatural being that is on the form of an old woman, this old woman is said to be able to predict the death of a person by screaming. It is said that whoever hears the screams, it means that someone related to you, someone you love, or even possibly you will perish. 

    I have made more poems, some are even haikus, but that will be a blog for another day, I think the poems that I have shared already are suffice for now. I really enjoyed making all of these poems even though half of what I've put here are very gloomy in nature but I think that's fine for everyone else.


    Making poems helped me tremendously in my darkest and lowest of times, it helped me to get through some hardships and it also helped me to express my feeling to others that I couldn't possibly write in a normal message so I made it into a poem and then I gave it to them. Making all of these have been very fun and I would continue making all sorts of poem about things that interests me. My poems may not be the best poems in the world, but they did served their purpose to help me get through things. 

    To whoever is reading this, try doing something new if you think you hobbies are no longer suffice to help you get through tough times. Who knows maybe making poems can also be your new hobby or maybe just writing in general like writing stories, songs, or essays to express yourself is just what you need to help yourself survive all of this chaos in the world. There are so much things in the world, it wouldn't hurt to try new stuff. This is Random Overthinker and see next time for another blog. Bye!


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